Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Party

Jackson's preschool class had their Valentine party on Thursday. He was really excited about another special treat at his school. They decorated heart picture frame magnets that were so cute and had an M&M race. All the kids in his class are so sweet and really do love each other. They each got to have a turn passing out their Valentines to the other kids and were so thrilled to see what kind everybody brought. Jackson chose sports themed cards for all his friends.
Jackson, Ellis and Hyatt working on their craft

Jackson and Emerson compete in the race

Mommy and one her sweet Valentine boys

Jackson and his Valentine bag...this is the only way he would let me take his picture


Segadi Family said...

Looks like a fun party and night out! How special that Andy had flowers for you on the table - and the Oscar Meyer car... that just topped the night off!!

Mandy said...

It was a fun party and they do have such a sweet class. Hopefully next year most of them can be together! I'm behind on reading've got a lot of good posts. Talk to you soon!