Thursday, March 5, 2009

Read Across America

Many of you are probably aware that this is Read Across America week. It is a huge push in the school systems to encourage a love for reading. I will admit that in my high school days I was the student who tried to read Cliffs Notes and not the actual book on our reading list. It was all happy go lucky with that until I made a 40 on a literature test. At that moment, I knew I had to actually read To Kill A Mockingbird. This was definitely out of fear that Ms. Fowler would tell my mom my score on the test before I had time to bring up my 6 weeks average (mom and dad-I hope you knew about this before now...if not, SORRY). However, I actually loved the book. Then we read The Scarlett Letter, which is another book I love. Then my reading definitely slacked in college other than the occasional John Grisham book. After college, my job required a great deal of travel and alone time on the road in some not so fun destinations. I discovered a love of reading. It started with the Harry Potter series, which is an incredible story. I really felt for Harry and all of his friends. Since then, I have read a lot of books. I would love to read more, but my children do need attention, meals, and baths. This week Beth Moore's blog asked their readers to pick their all time favorite book and tell why. How can someone who enjoys reading pick just one book?!? Since I could not narrow it down, I chose several books.

Here are some of my favorite books.
  • All 7 Harry Potter books (I cannot wait to read this again with Jackson when he is older.)
  • the Twilight series (I have already voiced my obsession for these on this never know Andy might be my secret vampire)
  • Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (This book depicts God's love for us in an amazing story.)
  • The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard (This was the text of a graduate course I took called Master Teacher. It made me view my life in a new light.)
  • The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers (An amazing story of a college girl's discovery of God's love and redemption.)
  • Season of Life by Jeffrey Marx (A wonderful book about football and how it relates to life...Andy also loved this book, great for all the men in your life or moms of boys)
Those are some of the books that I love and think would be great for anyone to read. Now after Beth Moore's post and 1500 comments, I have several books on hold at the library. Let me know what are some books that you love so I can add them to my reading list.


Mandy said...

I also read the blog post about books on Beth Moore's blog. Loved it! You have a couple of books on your list I haven't read. I'll have to check them out!

Unknown said...

Well, your first three bullets would have to be at the top of my favorite books list too. I'll have to check out the other ones you listed, since we apparently have similar taste in books!

kma said...

Oh I loved Redeeming Love, too! So good...I will have to read the other F. Rivers book you mentioned! I am on the 3rd in the Tilight seres, now. HA! Kelly

vergne said...

I love to read too! I saw that you had gone to see the Shopaholic movie. I loved reading some of those books too! I need to try out some of the books you suggested.