Thursday, September 3, 2009


Jackson has been extremely excited about starting back to school. The festivities began last Thursday with Parent Open House. On Friday morning, we went for our Sneak-a-Peek to meet his teachers and see his classroom. He wished they could have stayed longer and had more fun with his buddies. Most of theses children have been in class together for 2 years and love each other so much. On Tuesday, he had his first day of school and absolutely loved it. We have been trying to get him to write his name for a long time and he never has any desire to write anything but the J. When I picked him on Tuesday afternoon, I asked what they did at school. He replied, "I colored a picture and then wrote my name." I was surprised. He did in fact write his entire name on his coloring sheet (with a few mistakes). Yay! Further proof that positive peer pressure does exist.

Jackson and Miss Angela (his other teacher, Miss Jennifer, was out of town)

Playing blocks and cars with Hagen

Playing in the kitchen with Carter, Seth, and Drew

Official First Day of School Photo

One last hug for the brothers. Poor little Drew has been so upset that Jackson is at school. He keeps saying, "Me Chool" and continually asks where Jackson is. There have even been tears over NOT going to school. When I walked Jackson to his classroom on Wednesday, Drew pitched a fit when we left. He really wanted to stay and play with Jackson at preschool. Even though they have their moments, he definitely loves his brother and misses him so much.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I will be so sad next year when they are not in school together! We definitely need to make the most of their last year at HH. :)