Friday, May 8, 2009

Drew is 18 months old!

Sweet baby Drew is now 18 months old and full of energy. He is still topping out the charts in weight! At his well visit with the doctor, he weighed 30 pounds (91%) and was 33 1/2 inches (83%). The boy is healthy and growing. As you can tell, he loves to eat and will eat most anything. His favorites are grapes, mandarin oranges, oatmeal, any kind of pasta, fries, and green beans. The preferred method of eating is to place his food on his spoon/fork with his fingers and then eat it. He also needs a napkin at every meal if other people have one.
Drew's favorite word continues to be "ball." He says it all the time. When I come to get him out of his bed, he looks up at me and says, "ball?" He has even been known to sleep with a ball in his crib. He has gotten very good and throwing, kicking, and shooting the ball. His other words are dada, mama, hat (pronounced at), and uh-oh. He tries really hard to say book, balloon, bubbles, shoes, swing, shoot, and Jackson. He can point to most of his body parts especially those on his face (when he wants to). He barks and moos when he sees a dog or a cow.
Drew is definitely into to lots of stuff. I am constantly picking up after him. He loves to dump whatever he can find on the floor. He is a fast crawler, but still is not walking. He is cruising on furniture and climbing on everything. We went today for an evaluation with a physical therapist. He is on an 18 month old level for balance and stability, however he is on a 10 month old level for locomotion and movement. We will be going to see the physical therapist weekly until he fills in the gap. I was so pleased with his therapist and look forward to her help. Hopefully, we will be walking and running very soon!
Drew also loves to be outside and will point out the window and grunt. He has been upset lately because he does not understand that we do not go outside when it is raining as well as thundering and lightning. This has caused several tantrums at our house (I cannot wait to see what the terrible 2's and 3's have in store for me). Here are pictures of him outside and loving life. He would swing for hours if we would let him. Drew is definitely a daddy's boy. He would prefer daddy over mommy most of the time and wants to daddy to put him to bed. He loves wrestling with daddy and Jackson at night. Do not be fooled...this baby is tough and can handle it!

Mommy and her Drew baby--You are an amazing little boy! I love it when you lay your sweet head on my shoulder or crawl into my lap. You have the sweetest and best laugh in the world! I love the way your eyes light up when we play peek-a-boo. Your mommy loves you so much!

1 comment:

Candie Bowen said...

Sweet baby Drew!!!