Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jackson's Favorites

Jackson enjoyed so many things at Walt Disney World. It was so fun to see his little face light up when he got excited. Here some pictures from his favorite experiences. He liked Pirates of the Caribbean when he rode it the second time and now sings "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate like a me." It is hillarious. He really loved riding the carousel, Dumbo, and Goofy's Barnstormer roller coaster. He rode each of those 3 or 4 times. The last picture is him at "Lights, Motors, Actions" at MGM Studios. He called this the car crash show. He sat in Andy's lap the entire show and was completely mesmorized by the cars and motorcycles. Meeting all the characters was also a treat for him. He got to see a lot of the ones from Playhouse Disney. His other favorites were riding the train and the monorail. He even got to ride in the front car of the monorail. Overall, Jackson had a wonderful time.

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